• Rules for use of grounds and facilities:

    1. This range is open to members and one guest. Guest must be accompanied by a

    member in good standing. A guest may use the outdoor range only once in a calendar

    year. After that he or she must become a club member to continue using the range

    facilities. This does not apply to club events that are open to the public. Members are

    responsible for the conduct of their guests while any club facilities are being used.

    Members must display proof of current membership and show same when requested.

    2. Firearms can only be used during the posted hours.

    3. Firearms shall be cased or actions shall be open at all times until the shooter is on the

    firing line.all firearms shall be made safe, actions open, safeties on, and unloaded when

    anyone is down range. Handling of firearms on the firing line, to include sight

    adjustments, while others are down range is prohibited.

    4. When a new shooter arrives and wishes toast up targets, individuals shooting will cease

    fire and make firearms safe while new arrival sets his or her target.

    5. All rifle, pistol, bow and trap shooting shall be done from firing points, covered firing

    points, or bench rests as provided, or from any other designated point as set by range


    6. Eye and ear protection must be worn during any periods of firing while on, or near, the

    firing line.

    7. Only paper targets depicting bullseyes, bullseye variations, V’s or game animals will be

    used. Portable reactive targets, m such as commercially available swinging or spinning

    targets mounted on a metal frame or other approved steel targets, are also allowed.

    8. Absolutely no bottles or cans shall be used as targets. Clay birds will not be used as rifle

    or handgun targets. No human silhouette-type targets are allowed. (Exception: Law

    enforcement officers or members of a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces,

    when participating in qualification firing, may engage targets appropriate to the cause of

    fire required by their agency, department, or service component. All personnel

    participating in such qualification firing must be dressed in the duty uniform or other

    appropriate clothing that clearly identifies them as law enforcement officers or members

    of the U.S Armed forces.)

    9. There shall be no alcoholic beverages allowed on these premises. Persons under the

    influence of alcohol or other mood altering drugs are prohibited from using any club’s

    range facilities.

    10. No full automatic fire is permitted on this range. This includes simulated full automatic

    fire using trigger actuator mechanisms such as the so-called “Hell Fire” device, or crank-

    type devices that attach to a firearm’s trigger mechanism or trigger guard.

    11. All rubbish and debris, including spent cartridges cases or shotgun shells, targets and

    target backers, shall be the responsibility of the member who generates it and shale

    disposed of in a proper manner by the member.

    Club Rules

    12. Any member abusing any of the facilities of the outdoor range shall be subject to

    corrective action, including loss of membership. It is the duty of all members to report

    any and all damage, or knowledge of activities causing damage either to the facility or

    the image of this organization, to a club officer or director.

    13. Check posted rules as they are subject to change.